Graphic Leadership: No One Will Pay You

There are phases/chapters of a leader’s life that can distract him/her from the truly important things in life.

In the intense daily focus on paying the mortgage, putting food on the table, and clothes on the backs of our family, it is not at all difficult to lose sight of the message in this poster. As a result, the important can get sacrificed on the altar of the urgent.

There is a very good chance no one will pay you to spend quality time loving your spouse, children, or grandchildren. You’ll look high and low to find someone who’ll pay you to take care of yourself physically, financially, emotionally, or spiritually.

Yet leaders know how significantly such foundational elements contribute to overall success.

In the midst of paying the bills, the leader seeks to not overlook those important aspects no one would pay you to do.

Categories: Competitive Style, Goal Orientation, Intensity, Schedule Orientation, Time Competency