Graphic Leadership: Cynicism


An attitude of cynicism on the part of the leader can cripple that leader’s effectiveness.  Believing that stress (and hurt) is cumulative, over time life can deal more than enough blows for repeated bouts of grief of loss for the average person.

With each cycle of grief, the individual seeks to move to a point of acceptance and adjustment of expectations.  However, all of that inevitably passes through the grief stage of anger.

It’s possible to get stuck in any of the grief stages and when stuck in the anger phase of the grief process, an attitude of cynicism is the result.

As oftentimes defined, cynicism is “an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest; skepticism.”  This then gives root to lack of ability to maintain trusting and open relationships which then undermines the leader’s ability to connect with his/her followers in a way that motivates and inspires.

Possibly talk therapy with a professional coach might be needed to help the leader get unstuck and return to effectiveness.  The sooner s/he can do that the less damage is done to his/her leadership effectiveness.

Categories: Conflict Management, Emotional Composure, Empathy, Influence, Vitality