Governance/Meeting Activity: Start, Stop, Continue

Here’s a proven process for a group debriefing regarding the effectiveness of a club project or event as a group. As a club, we also use this structure in our every other year club-wide online survey too.

  1. A blank piece of poster paper is in the front of the group on which is drawn three columns.
  2. Each participant is given a Post-Note pad and a pen.
  3. The first round: Each person is asked to think back to the event or project and asked to make a “Continue” pile of Post-It notes in front of them – writing on each note something they enjoyed from the event that they hope would be continued if done again.
  4. After everyone has finished, the facilitator asks one person to share a Post-It note, and s/he takes it and puts it in the “Continue” column on the poster.
  5. If others have something similar, those are also collected and placed on top of the first one in the column.
  6. This process is then continued until all the “Continue” Post-It notes are up on the poster.
  7. The second round: The above process is now repeated with each participant creating a Post-It note “Stop” pile with items they believe should not be included when the event is done again.
  8. The third round: The process is again repeated only this time with a “Start” pile of components. What does each person believe needs to be added to the next occurrence of the event?

When this processing activity has concluded, the group can not only see what ideas the group has generated but also which ideas had the most support by the thickness of their Post-It note stacks on the poster.

Categories: Governance, Meeting Activities, Uncategorized