Governance: Intentional Feedback Loops

Any club such as ours which decides to go with a more representative form of governance in which once a year the membership elects a board which is then entrusted with most of the decision making (within the boundaries of the club’s constitution) will find itself needing to prioritize intentionally and consistently the seeking of membership feedback.

Otherwise in many cases disgruntled members will simply quietly leave the club and truly great ideas for growing the club might go undiscovered.

Here are three feedback loops we have implemented and work to consistently promote.

One page on our website has been dedicated to the submission of ideas. Although this may be done anonymously, we don’t encourage that as we would wish to reach out to the person submitting to better understand his/her idea or concern.

• Consistently and prominently posting the names and links to each board member’s email in every monthly newsletter. Ideally we work to have the board represent the diversity of the membership as much as possible so there’s someone on the board to whom each member might best relate/communicate.

• Periodically we have a physical suggestion box and small tabletop poster/banner at our monthly events – giving yet another opportunity to write and leave ideas or concerns.

• Every other year we also administer a club-wide survey regarding the club’s programming and suggestions for its improvements and/or expansion.

Categories: Governance, Meeting Ideas, Uncategorized

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