Graphic Leadership: The 20% Margin Principle

Experience eventually teaches a magic club that without at least a 20% margin, shrinkage begins to occur.

• Once a magic club’s meeting room consistently fills to 80% of its capacity, members will start taking turns coming to the meetings;

• Once a magic club meeting’s location parking lot consistently fills to 80% of its capacity members will start taking turns coming to the meetings; and

• Once a magic club’s or individual program’s leadership team drops below 20% (a 1 to 5 ratio) of the total membership/participants dissatisfaction among the members will begin to grow as their needs are no longer capable of being met by the less than adequate size/ratio of the leadership team.

The reverse is also true assuming all other factors being equal. Staying ahead of the shrinking margin by always keeping the capacity larger than that 20% minimum will encourage growth. It’s as though by creating a vacuum of capacity, that capacity fills.

Hence the above poster show a 36″ yardstick with the 20% margin at the 7″ line.

Monitoring this 20% margin in club room size, parking lot size, and the size of both the leadership team and programming options will give the magic club that constant organizational space needed for continued expansion.

Categories: Competitive Style, Goal Orientation, Initiative, Planning